Line 3: Historical and aesthetic music studies

by Maurício Tadeu dos Santos Orosco
Published: 28/06/2024 - 22:54
Last modification: 28/06/2024 - 22:55

Description: It approaches the musical phenomenon as a product and cultural construction, allowing the methodological adequacy of the research it shelters, such as, for example, historiographical, anthropological, philosophical, etc. For this reason, the access to the musical phenomenon can occur through the study of primary, audiovisual, and documentary sources. The conception of the musical phenomenon as a product and cultural construction also allows the analysis of manuscripts from a philological, musical-critical, genetic-critical and iconographic perspective; the study of aesthetic issues and the ideological processes involved in musical discourses and in the discourse about music, as well as the transit between cultures and their consequent hybridizations. This research line also includes phenomenological analysis.