

Becas de estudios

by Portal PPGMU Iarte
Published: 24/05/2017 - 15:52
Last modification: 28/06/2024 - 16:16
Target Audience: 
Estudante / Comunidade externa
Auxílio financeiro / Bolsas


El PPGMU cuenta con becas de las agencias de apoyo CAPES y FAPEMIG que se distribuyen de acuerdo con la demanda disponible. Por lo tanto, el número de becas distribuidas por año es variable. Estudiantes extranjeros pueden participar libremente de la selección de becarios después de la aprobación en el Edital de Admisión para Estudiantes Regulares y estar debidamente matriculados en nuestro curso de maestría.

Estudiantes que ingresan por medio del Edital PAEC OEA ya tienen vacante de maestría vinculada a la recepción de una beca de investigación. Por lo tanto, corresponderá a la providencia de los documentos relacionados a continuación.

Requisitos para recibimiento de la beca:

  • Ser aprobado en el Edital del Proceso de Selección para Estudiantes Regulares;
  • Tener su diploma de grado aceptado en esta institución educativa de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos en el Reglamento del Programa y en las Normas Generales de UFU;
  • Tener todos los documentos requeridos en el momento de la matrícula: RNM, pasaporte, visa de residencia, CPF, Registro Civil;
  • Cuenta corriente en el Banco do Brasil.


Para acceder al edital de selección:


Edital GCUB-Brasil:



by Portal PPGMU Iarte
Published: 24/05/2017 - 15:50
Last modification: 28/06/2024 - 16:37
Target Audience: 
Estudante / Comunidade externa
Auxílio financeiro / Bolsas


PPMU has scholarships from funding agencies such as CAPES and FAPEMIG which are distributed according to the available demand. Therefore, the number of scholarships distributed per year is liable to vary. Foreign students can freely participate in the selection of scholarships after approval of the Admission Notice for Regular Students and the proper registration in our Master's Course.

The Students which are admitted via PAEC OEA Public Notice already have a Master's degree position which is linked to receiving a research scholarship. Therefore, it's their job to provide the related following documents.

Requirements for receiving the scholarship:

  • To be approved in the Selection Process for Regular Students;
  • To have the Undergraduate diploma accepted at this educational institution through the criteria which are established in the Program Regulations and the UFU General Norms;
  • To have all the documents which are required at the time of registration: National Migrant Registration (RNM), Passport, Residence Visa, CPF, Civil Registration;
  • To have a current account at Banco do Brasil (Bank of Brazil);


To access the Selection Public Notice:






by Portal PPGMU Iarte
Published: 13/04/2017 - 18:03
Last modification: 21/06/2024 - 10:08
Target Audience: 
Auxílio financeiro / Bolsas

Processo seletivo por edital específico conforme a disponibilidade de bolsas.

Poderão se inscrever os(as) alunos(as) regulares do Curso de Mestrado Acadêmico do PPGMU que se enquadrarem nos requisitos previsto em edital. 


Os requisitos são divulgados pelo Colegiado do PPGMU por meio dos Editais de Bolsas.

Responsible Sector: